Department of Mathematical Informatics

Tereshchenko Vasyl Mykolayovych


  • Head of the Department of Mathematical Science (2016 – current)
  • Professor of mathematical science
  • Doctor of Science


General information

Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Work address: Avenue. Glushkov, 4D, m. Kyiv, 03680, aud. 31A

Phone: + (38 044) 2590427 (office)

E-mail: Web:,



1989-1992. A graduate student Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv.

1981-1986. Student of Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty , National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv.

The scientific degree

  1. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Science (specialty 01.05.01 – theoretical foundations of Informatics and cybernetics), dissertation theme “Building a unified algorithmic environment for solving complex problems of computational geometry” (scientific advisor – Professor Anisimov A.V.)
  2. Candidate of Science (specialty 01.02.04 “Mechanics of solid body “), dissertation “Non-stationary thermoelasticity problem piecewise homogeneous bodies” (supervisor – associate Lavrenyuk V.I.)

Professional career

2016 – Until now. Head of Mathematical Informatics Department, Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv.

2015-2016. Performing duties of Head of Mathematical Informatics Department, Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv.

2013- 2015. Professor of Mathematical Informatics Department, Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv.

2000-2004. Deputy Dean of Faculty of Cybernetics,  National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv.

1997-2013. Associate professor, Department of Mathematical Informatics, Faculty of Cybernetics, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv.

1994-1997. Assistant professor, Department of Mathematical Informatics, Faculty of Cybernetics, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv.

1989-1994. Head of educational laboratory, Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty,  National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv.

1986-1989. Construction Engineer Association “Zavod im. Malyshev” in BC “them. Morozov,” engineer-physicist Ukrainian Physico-Technical Institute NASU, m. Kharkiv.

Research activities

Research interests

Computational geometry, computer graphics, computer vision, artificial Intelligence,  machine learning, visualization of complex processes, pattern recognition, parallel programming, numerical methods, thermo-mechanics piecewise homogeneous bodies, the development and design of databases and information systems, new algorithmic concepts of computer simulation.

Areas of research

  1. Development general algorithm tools:
  •  for the processing visual and graphic information;
  •  for creation of the automated systems of visualization and simulation.
  1. Development algorithms for creation the new Graphical Applications:
  • for mobile devices(morphing and deformation of the 3D objects, and simulation others effects);
  • for medicine (modeling in orthopedics, rehabilitation);
  • others…
  1. Augmented reality:
  • Development solution “live image”;
  • Robot localization from set of images;
  • 3D reconstruction of surface from set of images (monocular, stereo, RGB-D cameras).
  1. Development computer vision systems:
  • 3D objects (statics, dynamics);
  • development solution “Remember all”;
  • a human faces and gestures for Human-Computer Interaction;
  • handwritten text, formulas and shapes on mobile devices.;detection of repetitive elements in a complex texture images (Ex: animals types by fragments of textures);
  • Real-Time eyes gaze tracking using mobile devices.
  1. Development of the smart car systems (Ex: system for warning traffic accidents in real time).
  2. Artificial Intelligence (Context text recognition for mobile devices).
  3. Solving of thermo-mechanics problems for piecewise homogeneous bodies.


  1. Project №  РД/679/07-0817, 2017. Robust Text Localization on natural images.(07.08.2017-20.12.2017).
  2. Project № CV0000, 2015. Detecting of irregular repetitive elements.(16.11.2015-16.01.2016).Project Leader.
  3. Project № РД/374/20-0514, 2014. Algorithm of Online Handwritten Symbols Blocks Recognition on Mobile Devices (28.05.2014- 31.10.2014). Project Leader.
  4. Project № 13ДП015-01, 2013. Realistic Morphing Algorithms for mobile devices. (18.03.2013 – 31.10.2013). Project Leader.
  5. Project № ДП015-02, 2013. Secure group coalition algorithms prototyping for public distributed computational environments. (15.02.2012-01.12.12).Project Performer.
  6. Project № RD/50/67- 011712ДП015-03, 2012. New types of geometric objects representation and large mesh deformation optimized algorithms. (15.02.2012-15.12.12).Project Leader.
  7. Project №РД/55/15-081111 ДП 015-05, 2011.Development of algorithms for editing (transforming) 3D surfaces (section and composition).(15.10.2011-30.12.11).Project Leader.
  8. Project №РД/55/15-081111 ДП 015-04,2011.Optimal classifiers selection for object recognition.(15.09.2011-15.12.11).Project Leader.


The author of about 150 scientific papers in the field of efficient algorithms for solving problems of computational geometry and computer graphics, development of new algorithmic concepts solving complex problems of imaging and computer modeling, development of algorithms for solving problems of unsteady piecewise smooth thermo-mechanics.

55 published in professional journals, 25 in international publications within the international framework currently SCOPUS. Also author published 4 educational and training manuals, as well as an electronic textbook on “Computational geometry and computer graphics”:

  • Паралельні алгоритми в дослідженнях неперервних систем. Методичний посібник. – К.: видавничий центр “ЛОГОС”, 1999. ­– 51 с.
  • Програмування в ПРОЛОЗІ. Навчальний посібник. – К.: РПЦ “Київський університет”, 1999. – 110 с.
  • Системи штучного інтелекту.Навчальний посібник. – К.: РПЦ “Київський університет”, 2000. – 100с.
  • Основні алгоритми обчислювальної геометрії. Навчально-методичний посібник. – К.: УПЦ “Київський університет”, 2002. –  100с.
  •  “Обчислювальна геометрія та комп’ютерна графіка”:

    Full list


  1. Patent: Device for converting codes from one language to another (Decision on granting a patent of Ukraine for a utility model № u 2017 07142, IPC G 06 F 15/38).
  2. Patent: Device for digital automatic tracking of purposes (Decision to grant a patent of Ukraine for a utility model № u 201905289, IPC F 41G7 / 20 (2006/01).
  3. Patent of Ukraine for a utility model № 121740 IPC (2017.01) G06F 15/00 Device for converting codes from one language to another / Krak Yu.V., Tereshchenko V. M., Osadchy Y.A, Gorbunov O. A. – Valid from 12.11. 2017, Bull. № 23. – 7 p. – Owner (s): Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
  4. Patent of Ukraine for utility model № 148387, IPC A61 F 1/04, A 63 B 25/10 Device for trekking (Scandinavian walking) / Osadchy Y. A., Anisimov A.V., Tereshchenko V.M., Gorbunov O.A. – Valid from 04.08.2021, Bull. № 31. – 8 p. – Owner (s): Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.